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Privacy Policy

We are committed to making sure we protect your personal information at Yoga in the Highlands. See our Privacy Policy below. 

Women Practicing Yoga

Date last updated [01.12.2022]

Yoga in the Highlands Privacy Policy


This privacy statement (“Statement”) applies to Yoga in the Highlands (collectively, “Yoga in the Highlands Pilates” “we,” or “us”).


By providing Yoga in the Highlands with your personal information, you agree to the collection and use of your personal information as described in this Statement. This includes both written and verbal information provided either online, in person, by telephone or via other sources.


Personal information we collect

Through our website, booking system, and in conducting every aspect of our business, we may collect personal information. This personal information may include: your name, contact information, information related to your bookings, information related to the purchase and receipt of products or services, allergy or injury information, payment information, such as your payment card number and other card information, as well as authentication information and other billing and account details preferences, marketing and communication preferences, reviews and opinions about our services (if they are identified or associated with you), and other types of information that you choose to provide to us. In addition, we collect other personal information in certain cases, such as:


– On-site / registration data collection: We collect additional personal information during appointments and in class. In addition, we may collect personal information to provide a better service in regards to on-going health issues/pain.


– Social Media: If you choose to participate in Yoga in the Highlands-sponsored social media activities or offerings, we may collect certain information from your social media account consistent with your settings within the social media service, such as check-ins, activities, interests, photos and status updates. We may also allow you to enter into competitions to provide photos, such as classes with us, which you may share with your connections on social media for votes, shared offers or other promotions.


Personal information we collect from third parties


Use of personal information collected about you


We use your personal information to provide the best possible service for you, including to provide and personalise the services you request and expect from Yoga in the Highlands.


– Service Administration: We use your personal information to administer your booking and relevant statuses related to payments. We provide you with access to your booking information, such as status and offers for which you are eligible; to fulfil services that are part of your booking including classes, workshops and events.


– Event Planning: We may use your personal information to provide you with information about our services and event planning.


– Marketing and Communications: Where permitted / consent given, we may use your personal information to provide or offer you newsletters, promotions and featured specials, as well as other marketing messages in accordance with any communications preferences you have expressed. We always aim to make the content of these useful, supportive and informative.


– Social Media. We use your information to send you marketing messages; and to conduct surveys, prize draws, and other contests. We may provide these communications via email, online advertising, social media. With your consent, we also may use user-generated content (such as photos) from social media services to deliver display advertising or on our website.


– Payment Card. We may also collect information from your payment card, which is used only for the services provided.


Sensitive information

The term “sensitive information” refers to information related to your health or to your ID. We collect sensitive information as required by our Insurance and to provide you with the best possible service and care during your stay with us. We may use health data provided by you to serve you better and meet your particular needs. This information is securely stored according to the policies required by our insurance. Your consent to store this information is explained when you sign your health waiver, at the time of your visit.


Personal information from children

We do not collect personal information from individuals under 16 years of age. As a parent or legal guardian, please do not to allow your children to submit personal information without your permission. If you bring a child with you to participate in the program (16 or older) we will require the same information related to the data outlined in section “Personal Data that we collect” and ask that you sign to give consent on their behalf.


Links to third-party websites and services

Our site may contain links to third parties’ websites. Please note that we are not responsible for the collection, use, maintenance, sharing, or disclosure of data and information by such third parties. If you provide information on and use third-party sites, the privacy policy and terms of service on those sites are applicable. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of websites that you visit before submitting personal information.


Protecting personal information

Yoga in the Highlands will take all reasonable measures to: (i) protect personal information from unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration or destruction, and (ii) keep personal information accurate and up-to-date as appropriate for online transactions, we use reasonable technological measures to protect the personal information that you transmit to us via our site. Unfortunately, however, no security system or system of transmitting data over the Internet can be guaranteed to be entirely secure.


For your own privacy protection, please do not send payment card numbers or any other confidential personal information to us via email.


We will not contact you by mobile or email to ask for your confidential personal information or payment card details. We will only ask for payment card details by telephone when you are booking a reservation and have called in to our reservations line. Once your card details are processed they are encrypted and transmitted to our payment processing system, WixPay.


Personal information amongst our team, our service providers, and other third parties, which may be located in countries outside of your own. Although the data protection laws of these various countries may differ from those in your own country, we will take appropriate steps to ensure that your personal information is handled as described in this Statement and in accordance with the law.


Changing and accessing your personal information

As a valued client, the information you provided to us at the time of booking may be accessed, reviewed and updated at any time by emailing us at


To the extent required by applicable law, you may be able to request that we inform you about the personal information we maintain about you and, where appropriate, request that we update, correct and/or delete personal information about you that we maintain in our active database. We will make all required updates and changes within the time specified by applicable law. Such requests must be submitted in writing to To protect your confidentiality, we can only respond to such requests to the email address that you have registered or otherwise provided to us.


Retaining personal information

We retain personal information about you for the period necessary to fulfil the purposes outlined in this Statement, unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by applicable law.


We will destroy your personal information as early as practicable and in a way that the information may not be restored or reconstructed.

If printed on paper, the personal information will be destroyed in a secure manner, such as by shredding the paper documents or otherwise and, if saved in electronic form, the personal information will be destroyed by technical means to ensure the information may not be restored or reconstructed at a later time.


Choices – marketing communications

We conduct direct marketing and sales promotions as described below in more detail. If you have given us your contact information (email address or phone number) through a contact or sign up form, we may want to inform you in accordance with any preferences you have expressed, and with your consent where required, about our products and services or invite you to events via email, online advertising, social media, and other means. You may change the communications you receive from us by emailing us at


If you prefer not to receive email marketing materials from us, you may opt-out at any time by using the unsubscribe function in the email you receive from us. Opt-out requests can take up to five business days to be effective.


Marketing ‘Opt in’ vs ‘Opt out’

With the new law, a company may determine that its current clients have a Legitimate Interest in receiving marketing information, as they are, or have previously been, a client, and shown interest in the business. Under this lawful basis, our clients are ‘opted in’ to receiving marketing material, but you have an option to ‘opt out’ of this should you request it.


At Yoga in the Highlands, we have chosen the lawful basis of Legitimate Interest for marketing to our clients. We do not plan on sending many Newsletters (3-4 a year). We always strive to make the content relevant, supportive and informative, and believe that our clients will be interested in the information that we do send. However, we will always ensure our clients have the option to ‘opt out’ of receiving this information.


Statement modifications

We may modify this Statement from time to time. When we make material changes to this Statement we will post a link to the revised Statement on the homepage of our site, and if you have registered for any of our products or services, we may also inform you through a communications channel that you have provided. You can tell when this Statement was last updated by looking at the date at the top of the Statement. Any changes to our Statement will become effective upon posting of the revised Statement on the site. Use of the site, any of our products and services, and/or providing consent to the updated Statement following such changes constitutes your acceptance of the revised Statement then in effect.


Contact us

If you have any questions about this statement or how Yoga in the Highlands processes your personal information, please contact us by email at


Privacy statement revisions

As stated above, we may modify this Statement from time to time. To help you track the most significant changes, we will include a history of changes, below, so that you are aware of modifications to our Statement.

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